Friday, August 22, 2014

What I Learned at 25

Yesterday was my birthday and it was such a great day. I woke up to a big birthday banner, presents and Mickey Mouse shaped sugar cookies (shout out to Amy AKA the best roomie/friend/coworker in the world). I got into work to see my desk covered in balloons, banners, presents, cards, bows and pink polka dots! My coworkers are amazing. Britni made me homemade funfetti cookies and took me out to lunch. After work mom, dad, Mary, Amy, Nicolo, Will and I all went out to Oregano's for my birthday dinner. There was a moment during dinner when I looked around at everyone and just realized how truly blessed I am. I am surrounded by incredible people who support and love me. 

I was reflecting yesterday on this past year and all of the things I've learned. I wanted to write them down as a reminder to my future self. Do these things!

  • You're not always going to be happy at work, and that's okay. Try to remember why you do what you do and not take things too personally.
  • Hold out for the man who will do anything to be your everything.
  • You are surrounded by an incredible support system. Lean on them.
  • The only true happiness you'll find in this life is by being active in the church. Do everything you can to immerse yourself in building your testimony and relationship with your Savior.
  • Benedict Cumberbatch will always be your man.
  • Admit your weaknesses to others. Be open and vulnerable. 
  • Read your scriptures and pray every morning and every night. It will make the world of difference.
  • Embrace who you are! You are nerdy and goofy and loud - watch nerdy movies and tell people about them! You love polka dots and bows - wear them! Don't be afraid to love the unique parts of you.
  • The Atonement is the most precious gift in the whole entire world, and this year you gained such a great testimony of its healing power. Sometimes you have to fall to let Him lift you back up.
  • Your momma and papa will always be there, always love you and always be your biggest advocates. Tell them you love them more. Find opportunities to serve them more. You will never be able to repay them, but try. 
  • When you are in a tough situation, sit back and think about the most Christlike way to respond to the situation.
  • Spread love and joy wherever you go.
  • With age comes confidence. "Let your light so shine." Don't forget that you are beautiful. 
  • Accept and love others for who they are.
  • Don't fake bake anymore (I didn't all year!)
  • Remember you are loved. Hold out HOPE for the future and know that good things are to come if you are faithful.
  • BIGGEST LEARNING: If you dedicate your life to serving others, you will be happy. Every morning pray for someone to serve. It changes everything. 
Here's to 26! I don't just have a feeling that it's going to be a great year, I'm going to MAKE IT a great year!!


1 comment:

wllsmichelle said...

Best blog post ever! Looking forward to another amazing year with you.