Friday, July 15, 2011

Changed Opinion {Outfit Posts}

I never used to get the "outfit" pictures and posts on blogs.
But now I just realize how awesome they are and I can't get enough!
I came to an epiphany that most of my fashion inspiration I now get from blog posts.

I'm so grateful for these confident, smart, well-dressed women!
My favorite bloggie fashion icons?

Check here:



and here:

I love you ladies and your cute, ecclectic style.
I think what's best is that you all are thrifty shoppers, which is something I am too!

Really, I don't consider myself much of a fashionista, I never really have, but you inspire me to make bold, funky choices.
Maybe one day I will do some fashion posts... and make my roomie take pictures of me :)

All I need is an awesome camera... (mine is lame-o!)
But, for now, I guess we'll have to make do.
I may even do one tomorrow (thank you Buffalo Exchange for a cute new shirt...)

Love you all!



wllsmichelle said...

You are adorable!

Erin @ Living In Yellow said...

How cute are you?!?! Love the top!