Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Halloween Throughout the Years

As a young child, I really did love Halloween. My mom was the best at coming up with creative costume ideas and almost every year she made them herself. Side note: my mom is probably the craftiest person alive. I am so jealous. Side note over.
Here are two cute little ghosts! Everyone thought we were angels, but whatever! (That face paint took FOREVER to come off)
Probably my favorite costume of all time. My mom made these out of paper plates she cut up and spray painted. I remember how hard she worked on them.
Sorry I don't have tons of pictures on this computer. Another year my mom made me a poodle skirt and I was a cute fifties girl! I actually ended up wearing it again when I was 15. Awesome. When I was three we have a picture of me as a fairy and a ballerina. Other than that, it gets blurry.

As I grew older, I definitely got lazier. I think three years in a row I was a person "going to bed" and used the excuse to buy myself a new pair of pajamas and slippers. Then I started borrowing costumes, which has worked out nicely for the past few years. When I was in high school I borrowed a red polka dot dress from my friend Sarah and her Minnie ears and went as Minnie :) Last year I borrowed her Alice costume (which her mom made!) and loved it.
I look so cute, I can barely stand it.

One year we did a last minute costume run and I got this fantastic firefighter jacket in the little boy's section. Staci was some fairy or something :) Best friends forever!!

Alas, this year I am again borrowing a costume. I may actually be two different things this year... wOOooOO. And of course Ellie is participating. Who knows if Tinkerbell will be done by this weekend but I hope so! No hints on the other one.

Happy Halloween!

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