Monday, June 21, 2010

Livin' La Vida Loca

I'm having one of those introspective sort of days. Do you ever look at yourself and where you are in life? Sometimes I think I act like an old lady. I'm 21 years old and I often experience what others would define as a "mid-life crisis." Seriously. What is wrong with me?

Reasons why my life is the bomb dot com:

1. I work for one of the best companies in the world. Doing what I love. Doing what I studied in college. And doing it well.
2. My family loves me no matter what.
3. Ellie.

4. I have the gospel of Jesus Christ enriching each and every day I live on this earth.

5. I have many talents, though I refuse to believe it 99% of the time. One day I will change lives with these special gifts I was given.

6. Friends.

7. I have the monetary means to live comfortably.

8. I have a GREAT bishop in my ward who supports me in all righteous goals I have.

9. Walt Disney. (what?)

10. Crush the Helement.

Why did I need this pep talk? I worry. A lot. I worry that I was supposed to go on a mission, that I was supposed to make different choices with my life. How do I satiate this fear? I pray. And I remember the whisperings of the Spirit and the answer I got when I turned 21. It wasn't right. Maybe it wasn't the right timing, or maybe I was meant for something else.


"I find your lack of faith disturbing."

1 comment:

Miss Amy said...

i love doing the 'happy list' thing. makes me realize, also, how much i have in my life that is GOOD, if not GREAT!!! you're a blessed girl!