Thursday, January 29, 2015

My New Writing Class

Just as 2014 drew to a close, my sweet mother sat me down and gave me a challenge. She challenged me to try something new in my life, and suggested a writing class. Never one to brush aside advice from my mother (I'm great at following her ideas/rules), I started researching adult education classes in the area and found one that looked intriguing. Before I knew it I had signed up. 

Writing class is a magical place. It's in an old building in Downtown Phoenix. Kids on stilts walk past the classroom doors while adults paint in a small corridor down the hall. You can hear vocal training through the vents and the voices carry beautifully through the room. The teacher is a sweet woman with a tender heart. The room is filled with people just like me - people who see the world just a little bit differently than everyone else. We have to write or we go mad. 

We went through several writing exercises and shared our work. I was teary eyed as I listened to my classmates. They are so talented. Their words filled me up with light and hope. Rather than being scared or intimidated like I thought I would be, I felt unexpected confidence buoy me up. I can do this. I am talented. I have this in me. 

Soon I'll start sharing some of my homework and writing prompts with an eye aimed at helping others find their inner voice. Let's get to writing! Let's be fearless! 


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