First of all, thank you to everyone for your sweet words yesterday!
I was really worried about my eye - it's the busiest time of the year at work (except for Christmas) and I just couldn't stand the thought of missing too much work.
I have a bad infection in my eye, but luckily it's not contagious. $100 later I have some drops. Don't you just hate being an adult sometimes?
I want to begin my personal recap of this week's challenge with a quote:
"Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself, and know that everything in life has purpose. There are no mistakes, no coincidences, all events are blessings given to us to learn from."
- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, was a Swiss-born psychiatrist and the author of the groundbreaking book On Death and Dying.
Did anyone take the time this week to write about someone they lost?
I did.
It was so freeing and so beautiful. The words I wrote this week are much too personal to share here, but I'm so glad I took time to write them.
Can you share with me your experiences? I'm still hesitant to have link-up parties, as I'm just getting these challenges rolling out and nervous if people actually will link up on their blogs... would you?
I wrote this post 2 years ago on the anniversary of her death but I don't think I could have written it better than this
But thank you for this prompt, I need to write about it again. And about the loss I had in April. Loves
I love the idea of writing prompts and each week I think "ooh I must do it next week" but I feel like I always miss the post where you go "This is what we're writing about". I will keep a beady eye out for it next week and let you know how it goes! My writing muscles are very rusty (does that phrase even make sense?!) so I would like the chance to get back into writing.
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