Monday, May 20, 2013

Every Day in May: Day 23 & 24

Well, it's Monday and I only have a four day work week, thank goodness!! It's going to be a busy four days (am I the only one who has to have their house completely spotless before they leave on vacation?) but I'm so looking forward to our 7-days in the Caribbean.

Day 23: Things you've learned that school won't teach you

- It is entirely possible to have about ten quarter-life crises within a five year period.
- Change is good. 
- There is only one sure thing in life: relationships will always change and that's not a bad thing. Embrace it.
- Heavenly Father loves you more than you could every possibly know.

Day 24: Your top three worst traits

1. I tend to be an emotional wreck and I'm extremely emotionally high-maintenance
2. I can be insecure, I'm just getting used to living in my own skin
3. I'm not as honest with people as I should be


1 comment:

katilda said...

CRUISE! Go. Run free.