Woohoo, it's our FIRST EVER "Weekly Writing Challenge."
And, to celebrate, look at my lovely new layout! I'll be giving more info on who designed it a little bit later on... she did a wonderful job.
So, let's begin! For the next few weeks, we won't be linking up on Friday. I'm going to ask you to do some tough and personal things, so we're going to ease our way into it.
This week we're going to take a look at the power of our words and effective communication. Sometimes (okay, a lot of times) we have to communicate with people we don't necessarily get along with. Whether it be at work, school or even family and friends - it's understandable that we don't always meet eye to eye.
I can already tell that you know EXACTLY who I'm talking about. Who is that one person who you just don't mesh well with? So, guess what I want you to do? Talk to them. I want you to spark up a conversation this week with that person. It can be about anything: the weather, sports, work, ideas or anything you have floating about in your head.

To help brainstorm what you want to talk about with this person, WRITE DOWN topics in your journal or on your blog. It may sound so silly, but I know writing down some ideas will help you spark up a conversation that turns beautifully genuine.
I'll be sharing my experience on Friday and feel free to share yours too! You can comment on my post or let me know where you posted about this challenge.
Like I said, we're going to ease our way into linky parties.
Good luck sparking up that conversation with someone you don't necessarily get along with! You will become a better person because of it.
Hi Whitney! I found your blog through Erin. Great guest post today! I am new to blogging and to be honest, I have started for the same reasons you did. It's almost therapy to me and it makes me appreciate people like you who I can relate with. Hope you have a wonderful day and cannot wait to keep reading your ADORABLE blog!
XO. Jessie
YAY! Gotta say I'm excited for these challenges Whittes! I heart you mucho! Ps. YAY for 50 followers! so glad you met your goal! :) LOVE YOU!
I adore your blog. I wanted to stop by and say that. I don't know if you've gotten a "versatile blogger" award before, but I wanted to give you one. Visit: http://sincerelykylee.blogspot.com/2011/08/awards-awards-here-are-winners.html
to find out more.
Thanks for blogging!
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