Saturday, August 20, 2011


I'm OBSESSED with Josh Groban.
He is my most favorite singer of all stinkin' time.
When I was 17 and going through a really hard time, he saw me through it all. His music spoke to me in a way that no other music had. I look back at the trials I went through and see his lyrics, his compositions as a beautiful blessing in my life.

So... my mom totally outdid herself. She bought me FLOOR 8th ROW TICKETS to his concert last night.

Yes, I was surrounded by old ladies. (I made friends). Mom always laughs and laughs that I was born in the wrong generation. It's so true.

The people working the show let me steal the poster for a photo opp... dumb glare.

Waiting patiently for the show to begin!


he's so handsome, so sweet, nerdy, adorable, fun and AMAZING. I cry when I think about it!!!

So that was my early birthday excursion. I love my mom. I loooove Josh. I love almost being 23!!



Gentri said...

Aw! Yay! That is so exciting! Happy almost birthday!!

Laura Elizabeth said...

Concerts are always such a great experience- especially if you have the good fortune of having AMAZING seats!! Sounds like you had a fab time.