Sunday was fast and testimony meeting and one of our missionaries got up to bear his testimony. His thought went something like this: "whenever we are going through our own Gethsemane and think to ourselves, 'no human being on Earth should go through this,' isn't it nice to know the Savior already did? And for us!" I starting bawling because this really hit home. I would not wish my depression or anxiety on anyone. I often wonder why I have been given this trial, as I have expressed before. Like I've said, I want to start focusing less on the WHY and working to get through this with help from the Atonement. Maybe then the "why" will become clear to me.
I got my latest edition of the Ensign with the conference talks in it and I have loved re-reading messages from the leaders, prophet and apostles. A few quotes that stuck out to me:
"We were taught in the pre-mortal world that our purpose in coming here is to be tested, tried and stretched." - Richard G. Scott
"The Savior knows the difficulties of the way and can guide us through whatever sorrows and disappointments may come." - Carole M. Stephens
Dear God:
Thank you for the rain and wind and tumult. Thank you for your guiding hand, for being there for me always. Though I often feel alone, we both know that is never true.
Thank you for a dear eternal family and for a mother who is continually checking up on me. Thank you thank you thank you for her.
Grant me the patience to enjoy today. Grant me the perspective to see the sun. Grant me the faith to believe in my future. Grant me the peace I so desperately seek.

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