I'm writing this at the end of February, 2015, about six months before you are to join us here on Earth. I want you to know that you are already so loved. In a few weeks we find out what you are - a boy or girl - and we are all brimming with excitement. No one can stop buying things for you and imagining you. Will you be blonde and chubby like your momma was? Will you be loud and rumbustious or quiet and calm? We all wonder about you.
Sweet baby, you are coming into this chaotic world during a hectic time and you are being born into an unconventional family. You were not planned, sweet baby. You are a heavenly surprise. I don't know if your parents will be together forever, but you should know that we will be here for you always.
As your only Aunt forever and ever, I already feel a special bond to you. I feel like we are specially connected from a life we lived in together before.
I hope you know that I love you. I do. I can't wait to hold you, breathe you in and smell your heavenly baby smell. I can't wait to watch you grow and I hope we stay close. I want you to know that you can come to me for anything in this world and I am always here for you.
Your Auntie Whitney
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