Friday, February 13, 2015

Oh Hey Friday/Five Happy Things

Today I'm copying my dearest Kathleen and doing a link up here. I thought I'd share five happy things. 

1. After an extensive Google search, I can now confirm I am the exact same height/weight as Christina Hendricks. She is said to have a woman's perfect body. Okay, sure, she's got it in ALL the right places, but it weirdly made me feel better about myself. 

2. I always make homemade Valentine's for my coworkers and they are always a Disney theme. That's just how I roll. This year I went with Mary Poppins and they turned out practically perfect in every way. 

3. I broke down and bought a Kindle. I always said I would never, ever get one because I prefer physical books (I feel like such a grandma, resisting technology like that), but I ordered mine from Amazon and am very pleased already. I read so much that it just made sense. Here's to convenience and saving money! 

4. I'm throwing my sister a "gender reveal" party in a month and I am so excited to find out what gender that Shrimp is. Oh, I call the baby Shrimp. I had a dream it was a boy so we'll see if I'm Joseph and amazing like that. 

5. I'm thinking of starting my own organization business (on the side, obviously) and I need help thinking of creative names. Help?! I've organized a few houses and really think I need to put my OCD nature to work. :)


1 comment:

Sara @ The Crazy Cozads said...

The spoon full of sugar Valentines are adorable!! I agree that they are practically perfect in every way!

I too resisted the Kindle because I love the touch and feel of holding a book in my hands. I have been able to keep a fairly good balance between both. The Kindle is awesome for traveling with - saves me from lugging a suitcase of books around! :D

{from Oh, hey Friday link up!}