1. Getting to see Ellie's excited face when she ran to me after her all day vet app.
2. Buying my bridesmaid dress for Alyssa's wedding!
3. Alyssa telling me I look skinny.
4. Laura buying me flowers from Trader Joe's to cheer me up.
5. Britni buying me a cake pop from Starbucks.
6. Dinner at Paradise Bakery with my very bestest friend, Staci.
7. Sweet texts/messages from lovi
ng friends.
8. Playing with CC's nieces.
9. Hugs.
10. Making new bloggie friends!
See... my day wasn't so bad! Lots of good things happen. I'm planning on staying busy and not letting mys
elf wallow in self pity. I am so blessed!! I learn so much about life and myself each and every day. I'm grateful I get to live this fulfilling and wonderful life.
Next post I will write things I am grateful for... and maybe share some more of my "small" goals for life.
P.S. I plan on eating this sucker tomorrow.
I deserve a Sprinkles cupcake... or two... right? :)

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