Be tolerant and respectful of everyone, no matter their race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.
Be positive & optimistic about life! Smile whenever possible.
Writing is a great craft and can help you with your feelings.
Read often!
Embrace new opportunities and seize adventures while you can.
Educate yourself. Get a degree.
Learning is a noble thing.
Don't gossip and DON'T judge.
It doesn't matter what your body looks like, you should love yourself no matter what because it is a gift from God.
Pay your tithing.
Love your sister, no matter how much she drives you nuts.
Take time to notice the little things and think of others more than you think of yourself.
Don't rush into love or marriage, there is eternity for that.
Enjoy your YOUTH.
Yeah, my mama is smart.
Smart mama!!!It's amazing how much smarter our parents "suddenly" become as we grow up. ;)
You just made my day...
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