On Facebook today I mused:
"Sometimes I feel like I never want to grow up. Other times I feel like an 87-year-old woman. Isn't there some sort of in-between here?"
Well, it's just so true. Want to know why?
Reasons why I am still a child at heart:

- My favorite movie of the moment is Tangled. I obsess over the songs/colors/characters constantly.
- I go to Disneyland/World WAY too much. And I get WAY too excited when I'm there. It is still the most magical place to me :)
- Sometimes I would rather play Barbies or Star Wars or house with a kid than spend an evening with any adult.
- I name every random creature I see.
- The littlest things make me overly happy, like sprinkles on my ice cream or extra tight hugs.
- I will always, always, always be my parent's little girl.
Reasons why I am an old woman:
- I spend an extraordinary amount of time sleeping. Naps are like heaven to me. Yesterday I literally slept for fifteen hours and still felt like I could have dozed off forever.
- The Golden Girls is one of my favorite TV shows. Enough said.
- I would rather stay at home with Ellie than go out.
- I am seriously b.l.i.n.d. it's so pathetic.
- I always, always think I am some old unmarried lady and will eventually develop a dog hoarding behavior. Why does this sound delightful?
- I feel like I have an old soul. I don't remember ever really being a teenager or a young adult... I feel like I skipped those phases and bounced right into old age. I also think I relate better to people who are older than me, not younger.
- I often think I am sick or getting sick or have something wrong with me.
oh gosh. I'm crazy. :)

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